The Washington DC Church Harvested 5 Baptisms and 1 Restoration at Easter Sunday Service
Richie McDonnell – Lead Evangelist of Washington DC: The DC Church had an awesome Easter Sunday Service in front of the USA Capitol Building! First of all, the Lord blessed us with a total attendance of an amazing 241 at the service!
In the shadow of the USA Capitol Building,
Richie preached to an audience of
240 on Easter Sunday!
Incredibly, four souls were added to the church on Sunday, as a brother was restored, and three were baptized into Christ! So that week the church had six additions – one restoration and five baptisms!
On Easter Sunday, the DC Church
witnessed three baptisms
and one restoration!
To end the service after the baptisms, we had a great Easter Egg Hunt for the children and a delicious pot-luck lunch!
The McDonnells – Sawyer, Richie,
Elizabeth and Lucy!
Sawyer and Lucy had a blast at the Easter Egg
Hunt as they collected more eggs than
they could carry home!
At our Leaders Meeting, we read through John Causey’s article Remember Those Earlier Days, and the group was very encouraged and inspired as some disciples in the church were baptized under Emma’s & his leadership in DC back in the day! It truly was a glorious day for the Lord! We are family… to do the impossible!