The Boston Church Had Four Talented Campus Women Added to God’s Ever-growing Family American Continents Boston, May 2017
With Many Powerful Testimonies and Convicting Baptisms, the L.A. Church celebrates Its 10th Anniversary American Continents Los Angeles, May 2017
A Sister in Mexico Joyfully Gets Restored to The Lord After 16 Years of Wandering in the Desert. American Continents May 2017, Mexico
The Washington DC Church Harvested 5 Baptisms and 1 Restoration at Easter Sunday Service American Continents April 2017, Washington DC
5000 of Our Brothers and Sisters Are to Serve in 100 Projects All over the World this Year. Africa and Middle East, American Continents, Asia-Pacific, Europe and Russia May 2017, Mercy
In the first 115 days of 2017, the City of Angels Church has had 126 additions. American Continents April 2017, Los Angeles
Santiago Church Experienced Outstanding Growth of 160 Disciples in the First 5 Months American Continents May 2017, Santiago
Three “Kingdom Kids” in Orlando Worked Together to Baptize Their Friend American Continents April 2017, Orlando