A Chennai Brother Uncompromisingly Threw away His Lucky Ring and Made Jesus His “Luck”!
Raja Rajan – Lead Evangelist of Chennai and Overseeing Evangelist of India: Greetings from Chennai! The Lord has been doing amazing things throughout India, a nation of 1.3 billion lost souls! In Delhi, the remnant group led by Jeffrey & Reena Norris has grown from two to six in four months! Jeffrey & Reena are doing a tremendous job holding down the fort until the Delhi Mission Team of 40 disciples from Chennai arrives in April 2018!
The Delhi Remnant Group awaits the 40 Member
Mission Team from Chennai scheduled
to come in April 2018!
In Bangalore, Christopher & Maria Anthony planted the church with just six on the mission team in December 2016! God has blessed them with nine baptisms since January! The latest are a married couple Venkatesh (from a Hindu background) and Yasmin (from a Muslim background), who studied the Bible, made Jesus the Lord of their lives, and were baptized into Christ!
Venkatesh (formerly Hindu) & Yasmin (formerly
Muslim) are now united in Christ!
The first church planting from Chennai – the
Bangalore International Christian Church!
In Chennai, Satan hit us with many fall aways at the beginning of the year! However, after this pruning, the Lord has blessed the efforts of the Chennai Church, as this year we have seen 68 additions – 61 baptisms and 7 restorations! We are now at 213 disciples strong!
Ajith (center) is doing his Master’s Degree at the
prestigious Madras Christian College, where
he is the Captain of the Football Team!
Prince (left) threw away his “lucky ring” as he
made Jesus Lord of all of his “luck!”
Lastly, we want to thank the brothers and sisters of the USA Churches for their sacrifices to support the disciples not only in India, but all over the world!