27 Sold-Out Sisters Had 80 in Attendance in Sydney Women’s Day 2017
– Lead Evangelist of Sydney: G’day Mates! It has been nothing but a bumper weekend in Sydney as we welcomed Carlos & Lucy Mejia from Mexico City to speak at our Women’s Day and Men’s Day!
So many in the Sydney Church went to the airport
to give Carlos & Lucy Mejia a SoldOut
Movement Welcome!
The Willises and the Mejias have become
the best of friends!
This is the third year of our Women’s Day and the momentum and hard work has really paid off as our 27 sisters had 80 in attendance! There were far more mothers and friends than last year, as the sisters are rapidly growing in their effectiveness in making disciples!
The spectacular 2017 Sydney Women’s Day!
At the Women’s Day there were three very moving testimonies! One was from one of our youngest disciples. She shared openly about her life. Then she publicly apologized to her Mum – who had flown in all the way from Chicago – for all that she put her through! There was an extraordinary Video and an inspiring Special Performance before Lucy preached a powerful message on ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES! Afterward, the fellowship was so electric – with the incredible food provided by all the sisters – that we literally had to ask the crowd to disperse at the end!
Lucy enthusiastically preached about
you become a disciple!
This great victory was followed up by our Annual Men’s Day, combined with our Chili Cook Off! (Our Men’s Days are attended by the brothers AND the sisters… Basically, it’s church!) With 56 Christians, God had 114 in attendance! Lucy was able to vulnerably share for Communion! Then we were entertained and convicted by Carlos preaching about CRACK POTS and how God loves to use them! Keep us and especially the Hong Kong Seven in your prayers!
Men’s Day in Sydney is attended by the brothers
AND the sisters… Basically it’s church!
Carlos brought the joy of the Mexico City
Church into the energetic
Sydney Church!